The transformative program is developed within a caring community.


The Network aims to share methodological and strategic learning among
the different institutions that are implementing the methodology. It is led by
ACTEC, which is formed by: Carvajal, FUNDAP, FUSAI and Interactuar.
The exchange of information is carried out through various means.

Daniel Turiel    daniel@actec-ong.org
Roman Poniatowski    roman@micrombaproject.com
Belén Valenzuela    belen@micrombaproject.com
Eunice Martínez    eunice.martinez@fundap.com.gt
Eunice Martínez    natalia.jimenez@grupofusai.org

Andrea Zuluaga    andreaza@interactuar.org.co 
Harold Tavera    haroldtm@interactuar.org.co 
How does it work?

International seminars

We organize annual seminars in which network members and other invited experts participate in order to exchange experiences and good practices and to disseminate the methodology to other institutions.


The first seminar was held in Medellín from June 1 to 4, 2016.


Technical assistance

Our technical team of international experts in microMBA provides technical assistance and methodological transfers to local institutions to improve various aspects of the program.


ACTEC also collaborates closely with Belgian, European and American Business Schools that provide their methodology in order to rethink and deepen the operation of microMBA and disseminate it internationally. This technical support also provides experience and knowledge to other institutions in Latin America and Africa.

Learning groups

At present, there are 5 learning groups coordinated by ACTEC in which technicians from the 4 American entities that are implementing microMBA participate.


Experts meet once a quarter to discuss 5 subjects :

Deepening of the pedagogical instrument of the “case study” and group meetings.

Definition of the profile of microMBA consultants and continuing training strategy.

Personal and business coaching.

Very rigorous impact measurement with SMART indicators shared by all.

Process of selection and identification of micro-entrepreneurs at each level of microMBA.

– MicroMBA International Network –