An innovative business program

The innovative microMBA program requires a combination of human and business strategies
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In INTERACTUAR, we have implemented microMBA (Basic Acceleration Method) in an innovative and successful way. We have shown how business development requires a combination of human and business strategies, as they allow to generate a harmonic impact between being a manager and running a business. We have realized that the only way of having good results in the management and leading skills of our entrepreneurs is to focus on their entrepreneurship, leadership, decision-making capacity, negotiation and relationship skills, discipline, motivation, among others.


We have learned a lot and have experienced a long series of achievements, challenges and opportunities for improvement alongside our entrepreneurs. They are the ones who have truly made this program a process of generation of knowledge that leads us to build day by day and contribute to the social and economic development of our region, the generation of employment and the improvement of quality of life of the people who are part of micro-enterprises.


Andrea Zuluaga


Corporación Interactuar


Director of knowledge and network services


